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This is an amazing resource for anyone who makes homemade, natural beauty recipes. Tanya shares 28 different plants that you can grow and use in homemade, personal beauty recipes.. The plants can be grown in an in-ground garden and also in containers and window boxes.
Tanya organizes the plants into helpful categories. She also goes into detail about the properties and benefits of each plant. Here are the categories:
• Plants for Healing Burns & Damaged Skin (4 plants)
• Herbs for Acne (4 plants)
• Plants for Mature Skin (4 plants)
• Astringent and Toning Herbs (4 plants and herbs)
• Plants that Moisturize the Skin (4 plants)
• Plants that Naturally Lighten and Darken (4 plants)
• Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Plants (4 plants)
Click on the Growing a Beauty Products Garden – 28 Plants, Flowers & Herbs link below to read the complete article.