From the Penn State Extension on growing peppers in containers:
“Peppers are probably the #3 container vegetable that interests gardeners after herbs and tomatoes. This fact sheet coupled with the advice in “Growing Great Container Vegetables #1: General Recommendations”, should get you on the path to success.
Based on our trials programs in 2008 thru 2010, there are some excellent varieties that are growing in availability in seed catalogs and garden centers to get you started in producing great peppers.
Unlike more standard garden varieties, you may have to hunt around for a greenhouse that grows these varieties or start the plants yourself. Look for varieties that are labeled “compact” or “for containers”. Larger garden varieties’, will simply get too tall for a container and require excessive support.
In general, hot peppers grow more compact thus largely work great in containers. In our trials, we looked for varieties that required little to no trellising.”
The post then goes on to provide specific advice about growing peppers in containers:
- Pot size
- Plant selection
- Soil
- Feeding
- Insects
- Harvesting
You’ll also find comments and photos for peppers that grow well in containers. Great article!
Click on the How to Grow Peppers in Containers link below to see the complete post.