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I don’t know a gardener who hasn’t been faced with flower or vegetable leaves that suddenly looked like Swiss cheese. It’s an awful experience. Some insect is using your garden for dinner. Beetles. Grubs. Who knows? It’s often hard to catch them in the act.
One of the best deterrents I’ve used is homemade hot pepper spray. I can’t remember where I first saw the recipe. But this version by Emry contains all the ingredients I use.
It’s important to use gloves and even eye protection to safeguard yourself against the hot peppers. After you make the Hot Pepper Spray you can (carefully) pour it into a spray bottle or a larger garden sprayer.
The idea is to spray the leaves that the insects are munching on. Don’t spray the flowers or the actual veggies. The other thing is that it really is better to spray your garden at night. This spray will smell even worse in the summer sun. Also, many insects chow down later in the day. So if you spray around the time they show up, you’ll be sure to get rid of the early diners. 🙂
Click on the Deter Garden Pests Naturally with Homemade Hot Pepper Spray link below to see the complete recipe.