One of the great things for small space vegetable gardeners is that there’s a healthy selection of dwarf variety plants that grow well on patios, balconies, rooftops, in pocket gardens and other small spaces.
Ellen begins this post with:
“Growing a small vegetable garden is like living in a small house: it is not as easy as it looks. Choose the right plants and you’ll have a bountiful harvest…
It took a few years of whittling down my list to come up with the crops I grow every year in my small garden plot. I start with a foundation of tried-and-true favorites: lettuce, basil, and tomatoes. Yet I leave space to try a few new varieties each year. To supplement my harvest, I buy vegetables from a CSA or farmers market. Below are a few of my recommendations, along with those from seed companies that conduct extensive trials to deliver the best varieties.”
She then goes on to discuss 9 different crops that you can grow in a small garden. Ellen includes specific veggie varieties and other information. Nice photos too.
She mentions “Cut and Come Again” varieties, which I love. I have several varieties of cut and come again lettuce in my garden. I pinch off leaves above the soil line and the plant grows new lettuce leaves. It’s magic!
Click on the Small Vegetable Garden Ideas link below.
Small Vegetable Garden Ideas